
Monday, September 24, 2018

One day there was a boy called Rider. He lived in a mansion. But he stole all the money he is good at pretending he is a good guy but he is bad. He is on a mission in a dentist and got seen in there. He was a homeless boy. He got a job and lived a life.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Dark clouds fogging up the cemetery. 2 trees making a path. 1 grave right at the front of the path only that one was different to the rest and bigger. The cemetery was so dark that you couldn't see the trees. As me and my neighbour and dad walk through the cemetery the neighbour fell over and he couldn't walk. After 2 weeks he could walk the end.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Me But When I'm Bigger

He is a teenager and He is a baseball player. He is in the town, he is wearing a Nike hat and he is wearing a tux. His tux, shoes and hair is red. When he was a kid he played for the New Brighton rugby team and he works for Nike.

Mum is the greatest.

Mum doesn’t have an actual job but she is still cool. She looks like a big giant. She has blonde and purple-ish hair. She owns 2 cars, 1 is a normal car 1 is a van. She is a lesbian, but cool.